KB1 Burger Box

The product is available in kraft and white varieties. According to your request, you can send it to our sales representatives at the order stage.

Category: Tag:

If there is a product that you want to order among the products you have examined, you can get information about the product / products you have received or the product / products you have received from our online chat, whatsapp button or our contact section.


The product you have examined is produced in accordance with food. You can access our certificate and quality policy documents from the "Corporate > Documents" page in the menu section. Or you can request documents by contacting us. Communication You can set up via e-mail by filling out the form in the "Live Chat, Whatsapp" and "Contact" section.

You can contact our authorized personnel in our "Sales" department so that we can produce special models and varieties for you in line with your needs.

You can also get information about the machines, equipment, personnel, shipment and other information we use in the box/packaging sector from our professionals in our "Operation" department.

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